Bally Hough (Possible Crannog)
Surveyed May 12, 1995
NGR: NM 1744 5845
This potential crannog is located near the centre of a drained loch. The site is accessed from the E by a substantial stone causeway of large boulders of Lewisian Gneiss. The causeway is 29m in length, 2.6m wide and 1.2m high. Two defensive features have been incorporated into the causeway in the form of a slight 10 degree curve and the presence of three oddly-spaced gaps, measuring 2.4m, 1.6m, and 2.3m, seem equally to indicate a similar intent. These gaps make it unlikely that this feature is a field-wall but several field-walls do cross this area. Profiles of the area around the site revealed that it would have been surrounded by water 1m to 1.5m in depth with deeper water (over 2m) immediately to the W.
The mound is composed almost entirely of Lewisian Gneiss bedrock outcrops. These enclose a roughly oval area which measures 10m by 15m at its base. The SE portion is enclosed by an arc of large boulders which appear to be deliberately placed. This feature creates a level platform of 38 sq.m, which would have been 1m above the surrounding lochbed and bounded on the N and W by bedrock outcrops.

A section of walling on the SE side of the site