Eilean Anlaimh Crannog, Loch Anlaimh

Surveyed May 9, 1995

NGR: NM 1889 5579

Eilean Anlaimh, previously identified as a crannog by the RCAHMS (1980, no. 243), is located 31m off the E shore midway along Loch Anlaimh. Underwater investigation revealed that a submerged, substantial stone causeway links the site to the shore. This causeway is 30m long, 4m wide, 1m high and has a slight curve. At the time of survey the tops of the large boulders of Lewisian Gneiss which make up the causeway were submerged to a depth of c.0.5m.

The site is a circular shaped artificial stone mound, measuring 20 m by 20 m at its base. Surrounded by water 1 – 1.5m deep, it is most easily approached by the causeway which provides firm footing. The top of the site is crowned by an ovoid 10 m by 12 m platform which was 1 m above the water-level and heavily overgrown by scrub brush. No walling was observed on the site but a 3.5m long spur was found to project from the NE quadrant of the site. This spur was interpreted as a pier or dock. The stone which composes the site is local in origin and consists of 80% medium sized and 20% large sized boulders.

Underwater investigation revealed that the stone mound extends at least 1m under the present lochbed surface, increasing its total height to 3m. No walling or timbers were found, but a saddle quern was discovered submerged in the rock tumble in the SE quadrant. The quern measured 11cm by 19cm. Underwater investigation further identified that the crannog rests on the end of a bedrock outcrop which can be traced running NE from the site. This outcrop was the only such feature found in the loch.

The Saddle Quern from Eilean Anlaimh


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