Loch an Duin Crannog
Surveyed May 3, 1995
NGR: NM 2128 5785
This site, identified by RCAHMS (1980, no. 242) is located 25m from the E shore of Loch an Duin mid-way up the loch. The site is accessed by a stone causeway, 43m in length, which incorporates a 2m by 9m bedrock outcrop in its mid-section. The causeway is 2.5m wide, 1.2m high and comprised of large and medium sized boulders which were just below water level at the time of survey. The centre of the causeway has the defensive feature of a right angle bend. Contrary to what was previously reported by RCAHMS, the causeway does not run along a bedrock outcrop which occupies a 40 m long section of shoreline north of the site, but instead terminates at its base.
The site is an oval shaped mound which measures 16.5 m by 24 m at its base and is surrounded by water 1 – 1.5m in depth. Two separate level platforms crown the mound. One is just above water level and measures 14.5m by 16m. The second occupies the south end of the site, dominates the other by 1.6m and measures 4.5 m by 8 m. This platform is located 3.8 m above the surrounding loch bed and has steep 45 degree angle sides. The entirety of the site is now peated over and vegetated with bracken, briars and small shrubs.
A perimeter wall runs round all but the N end of the site. This wall was 0.5m wide and stood an average of 0.5 m in height, with the tallest section located on the S end of the islet, still 8 courses, 1 m, in height. The wall is composed of 60% large and 40% medium sized boulders of Lewisian Gneiss which were unshaped and dry-stacked. The visible portions of the wall were at least three courses high and it is likely that the peat and vegetation hid the missing N section of walling. No trace of the two duck blinds mentioned by RCAHMS was found. The well preserved perimeter walling at the S end is considered to belong to the same period as the perimeter wall because it was the same width and followed the same course as the lower sections of walling. No structures were identified within this enclosure.

Underwater investigation revealed that the exterior of the site possesses a facade of medium and large sized boulders. Whether the site is entirely composed of boulders or is a natural feature which has been enhanced was not determined but the latter seems likely. No underwater walling or timbers were found but the bottom of the site was obscured by heavy silt.