Loch Cliad #1 Crannog

Surveyed May 3, 1995
NGR: NM 2072 5873
This site is located 125 m from the N end of Loch Cliad and 40 m SW of site Loch Cliad #2. No trace of the causeway noted by Beveridge to connect the two sites was found and the spur noted by the RCAHMS (1980, No 247) did not continue into the water. The site is surrounded by only 0.30m of water and rests on a very firm lochbed of sand.
This site is a circular shaped mound of stone which measures 17m by 21m and is certainly artificial. A roughly level 11m by 13m platform crowns the site, standing 2m above the surrounding loch bed. No walling was found either on the surface or in the shallow water surrounding the mound. The stone of which the site was composed comprised 60% medium-, and 40% small-sized stones; none was shaped. No timbers were found.