Loch Cliad #3 (Possible Crannog)

Surveyed May 17, 1995

NGR: NM 2085 5847

This site, which has not previously been noted as a Crannog, is located 8m from the S shore of Loch Cliad near the stream which drains Loch an Duin. The site is accessed by a slight causeway of single stones 7m in length. This causeway bridges an area of mire more than 2m deep which was found to be impassable. The depth of water surrounding the site was between 0.25m and 0.5m at the time of survey.

The island in question forms a circular turf covered rise which measures 60m by 63m. Its centre is crowned by a circular level area 30m in diameter that was only 1.4 m above the water level at the time of survey. The foundations of three ovoid buildings were found on this platform. The largest had internal measurements of 3.8m by 5.5m within 1m thick walls. The stones which formed the foundations were large boulders of unshaped Lewisian Gneiss. Portions of two other separate and slighter structures were also found.


Ovoid structure on Loch Cliad #3

Most of this site is certainly natural in origin and only the causeway and foundations suggest that it was artificially enhanced. Without further intrusive investigation, little can be known about its degree of artificiality, true nature or chronology.


Stone causeway to Loch Cliad #3